Freckles has been adopted.
Freckles is an Australian Cattle Dog Puppy born 11.8.18. When he arrived in March 2019 he was thin, traumatized and terrified of everyone and everything. It would take him weeks to come to us on his own, allow us to leash him. Today, he loves to romp with the other dogs, allows us to leash and play with him. Freckles will need someone who understands that he will need to learn to trust in his own time.
Owner surrendered in San Antonio, TX he most likely was left to fend for himself with very little, if any, kind human contact. Freckles has made great strides in his short time with us and is ready for adoption to the right person/family who understands him and is ready to nurture and love him in helping him become the pup he was meant to be.
Freckles is neutered, up to date on vaccinations, healthy and ready for his home. He is a sweet little guy who just needs a chance.