Frankie has been adopted.
I answered the phone today between adoptions thinking that it would be a quick check in about a dog and I would be back to work. I could not have been more wrong. On the other end was an obviously heartbroken man telling me that in order to be a good dad to his human child, he has to give up Frankie his Old English Bulldog child. You see a new baby was recently added to the family. Frankie has been the baby for 8 years and he has not taken well to this addition.
It is not uncommon with Bulldogs to react this way. In their eyes this crying, noisy, sometimes smelly “thing” has landed in their midst and all the attention once showed on them is now redirected to “it.”
Frankie is angry and acting out. Still, hearing the heartbreak and plea for help, that is really the last thing that this man wants to ask for, is beyond sad. I want to have the magic answer the magic training protocol to fix this and maintain Frankie in his home, but I don’t. And so, I promised to help find Frankie the perfect home going forward.
Frankie is 80+ pounds and as you can see in beautiful condition. He will be medically updated prior to adoption. For obvious reasons we will not consider a home with small children. One where Frankie is not home long hours and with a family with Bulldog experience would be preferable. Frankie has been the only dog in the home, but has socialized well with other dogs.