Bella has been adopted.
Bella came to VEBR in July of 2018. Her owner was terminally ill and no longer able to care for her. With all due respect by the condition that she was in when she was picked up, no one had cared for her in a very long time. She was nearly starved to death. Bella had to remain in Texas for two months, while she was evaluated, de-wormed, vaccinated, heartworm tested, and eventually spayed.
We had an amazing foster who cared for Bella like her own. By the time Bella reached us she was well on her way to good health. No one had seen any behavior issues. Bella was adopted in September by a very experienced Bulldog adopter who had adopted from VEBR previously. It seemed that Bella’s terrible journey had ended in a jackpot of a home. However as we know, sometimes things that seem to be perfect can change.
Who knows what Bella’s history and treatment looked like or what she experienced. Clearly much of it was not good. Sometimes as dogs heal behaviors come out that for one home are intolerable, for another quite workable. In her new home Bella has lived peacefully with another dog, a male English Bulldog. She has been very social and friendly around both adults and children. And so what are the problems you ask?
Bella is obsessed with food as one might expect given her history. She needs to learn that what is her food is hers and what is humans is not hers. My thinking is that she needs to be crated while any cooking or eating is going on, in an area away from the table and food prep. Perhaps this is the time to feed her or give her something that she loves to chew on like a nice antler or bone. Bella has also decided that she can do her business in the house even if she has been out. This is usually a dominance thing or anger.
I would again use crating when not supervised then out every hour until she gets it. My guess is that she was allowed to mess in the house previously. This kind of behavior is fixable but it takes time and patience and time.
If you think that you are up for the task please fill out an application on our website (
Bella is 6 years old and completely up to date on all vaccines. Additionally the adopter has had a thorough allergy workup and is happy to share their information and meds. They are not giving up on this girl easily so please no negativity.